A special welcome to those teens who are shy, outgoing, nervous, short, tall or big! There is a place for you if you are told “you need to grow up” or are a teen growing up too fast.
We don’t care if you can’t remember the last time you’ve been to church or if you’ve been to Church more times than the Pope. We welcome you if you're having problems, feeling overwhelmed, or if you don’t like “organized religion.” If you are looking for a fresh start, or a hug from a new friend, there is a place for you here at St. Mikes. We welcome all teens who are wearing “church clothes”, their PJ’s and those who are wearing their only clothes!
We welcome teens that are athletes, artists, actors, nerds, and more! We welcome those who are just browsing, your parents made you go, or your friend dragged you here.
Whether you're someone who could use a prayer right now, haven’t been to church since your Confirmation or since your Uncle Joe’s funeral, we welcome you with open arms. We welcome seekers and doubters, bleeding hearts and jaded cynics, the lost, the found…but most importantly we welcome YOU!
The first goal of youth ministry is "to empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today." The second goal is "to draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the faith community." The third goal of youth ministry is "to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person. WE try to all this by our events, service opportunities, trips, and gatherings that we offer here at St. Michaels.
Youth Ministry is one of the solutions to the bigness of our culture and to the size of our church. This group is a great way to connect with other young people and develop friendships with those who are trying to grow in their relationship with God.
Our dream is that every young person who comes to Saints Michael's Youth Ministry can call it their home and will know they are welcome at Youth Group and will leave having heard a relevant message that relates the good news of the Gospel to your life.
The comprehensive program is coordinated by the Youth Minister and Associate Youth Minister, along with a group of adults and teens called the TEAM. The program uses the recommendations outlined by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops through the "Renewing the Vision" document to create a program that tries to address the needs of today’s Catholic teens.