You can make a gift of securities or stock through an electronic transfer or a physical transfer of stock certificates. Please complete the electronic Letter of Intention form, which is available online here.
Saint Michael Parish is grateful for your continued support. By supporting the parish, you are helping to sustain our various ministries and outreach programs that meet the needs of our parishioners and those in our local community and also to help maintain our parish overall.
Your generous donations to Saint Michael Parish are not just financial contributions; they are vital investments in building a community of faith, fostering compassion, and ensuring that the Parish thrives! We are happy to provide parishioners with several ways in which they can support the parish.
Parish Giving
Parish Giving is the online donation and payment system used by Saint Michael Parish. Parishioners create an account and can set up auto-payments at your preferred schedule. Parish Giving can also be used to make various donations to the parish, Religious Education fees, and other events and programs supported by the parish.
Click to Register for Parish Giving
Tithing Envelopes
Tithing envelopes can be placed in the collection basket at Mass, mailed, or dropped off to the Parish Center. Please contact the Parish Center at 908-276-0360 to learn more.
Through the Saint Michael Parish Heritage Fund, parishioners and others can make donations to cover the cost of current facility needs and improvements, special parish programs and seasonal needs and parish life events as well as providing the resources for the future needs and dreams of our parish that cannot be met through weekly collections. (Because the donation/gift will be restricted, it will not be assessed and will be used for the specific item in its entirety.)
Click to learn more about the Heritage Fund
Planned Giving is a way to support charitable organizations, such as Saint Michael Parish, by making gifts using your estate. This could include a gift in your will, or by designating your retirement plan assets as a charitable gift. This type of support requires some planning but may offer tax benefits. Most take effect in the future as a final way to leave your legacy (and therefore do not affect today’s finances).
The Annual Appeal will fund essential programs and ministries at the heart of our Catholic mission in our four counties – namely to proclaim the Gospel, to pass on the faith to future generations, particularly through the celebration of the sacraments, and to care for the poor and those on the margins.
Click to Learn More
You can make a gift of securities or stock through an electronic transfer or a physical transfer of stock certificates. Please complete the electronic Letter of Intention form, which is available online here.
Also known as a “charitable IRA rollover,” a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) allows individuals age 70½ or older to authorize their administrator to directly transfer up to $100,000 annually from their individual retirement account (IRA) to qualified charities, tax-free. If you are age 72 or older, the amount you transfer can satisfy all or part of your required minimum distribution.
Under a matching gift program, your contribution is matched by your company or corporate foundation’s funds. Search here for your employer’s requirements and ways to use its program.
A charitable bequest in your will or living trust is one of the easiest and most flexible ways you can leave a gift to Saint Michael Parish or the Archdiocese.
Charitable Gift Annuity – A gift annuity is an agreement between an individual and a qualified charitable organization or institution. The donor transfers assets to the organization and receives fixed payments for the rest of his or her lifetime and/or the lifetime of another person, if desired. At the end of your lifetime, the remainder of the annuity will pass to the charitable organization. Since a portion of your gift will be used for charitable purposes, you are entitled to a federal income tax deduction in the year you make your gift. Part of each payment is tax free for a period of years as well.
Charitable Remainder Trusts – This gift can be designated to benefit any particular Archdiocesan program or donor’s parish. It provides fluctuating or fixed annual income for one or more selected beneficiaries. The donor also receives personal and tax benefits.
Charitable Lead Trusts – The trust provides annual income to the Archdiocese toward the program of your choice. At maturity, the trust’s principle returns to you.
Remember Saint Michael Parish in your will and avoid paying involuntary taxes at the end of life. A donor can leave cash, securities, real estate or other assets by will. The gift may be designated as a specific amount or as a percentage of the estate to benefit a particular work of the Church which is of most concern to you.