The Samaritan Ministry at Saint Michael Parish is a simple and rewarding way to become involved in our parish community. The Samaritan program supports many local organizations including: Cranford Family Care
St. Joseph’s Soup Kitchen in Elizabeth
Volunteers and volunteer families make sandwiches, meatloaves and contribute funds.Volunteers are always needed and very much appreciated. Please contact the Parish Center for any further information.
Sandwich Ministry
**8/1/24 Note.... there has been a recall of Boars Head Cold Cuts. We would encourage people to consider using a different brand for the time being to protect everyone. Will you consider making a loaf of sandwiches today? Simply take a loaf of bread, make as many sandwiches as you can (usually 8-10 per loaf), wrap them individually and return them to the bag. PLEASE LABEL the bag with what type of Sandwiches they are and the date that they were made.
Assorted lunch meats, salads, or peanut butter & jelly sandwiches are welcome. It takes little time, and means so much to the men, women and children who wait in line to receive them. Drop them off at one of the sites listed in the bulletin and we do the rest! Drop off sites are different home of parishioners, always in Cranford. Please make and drop off sandwiches on Sundays for delivery on Mondays – EXCEPT if the Monday happens to be a holiday.
Our goal is to deliver 50 loaves to St. Joseph’s on Monday morning. The people at St. Joseph are truly thankful for your generosity; their need is so real and so sad. God has blessed us. It is important that we continue to share our blessings.
Meatloaf Ministry
Would you consider making a meatloaf to donate to St. Joseph Social Service Center?
Saint Michael’s volunteers provide meals to the kitchen on the third Saturday every month.
Our goal is to collect meatloaves (2-3 lbs. each) which may be made ahead and frozen but need to be defrosted before delivery. Hundreds of people look forward to the meatloaf dinner provided by the parishioners of Saint Michael Parish once a month.
A cooler is placed in the foyer of the Parish Center that morning so you can drop off your donations before 10am when we leave for Elizabeth.