Bible study is admittedly an area of weakness for most Roman Catholics. In order to expose religious education children to the richness and beauty of Sacred Scripture, we deviate from the spiral curriculum of Grades 1 through 5 to concentrate on the Bible in Grade 6.
Sixth Graders receive their own copies of a Catholic Bible and are immediately instructed in locating Scripture citations. The core curriculum for this grade is an in-depth study of the Old Testament beginning with the two stories of creation and continuing all the way to the prophets.
Throughout the Old Testament, God revealed Himself to a Chosen People. God bound them to Himself in a covenant relationship and called them to be faithful. God offered them mercy when they often sinned and turned away from Him and promised to send them a Savior. In learning about their ancestors in faith students recognize in their stories many parallels to their own life experiences.
Pope Francis on the Bible
Pope Francis encourages families to make scripture part of their daily activities in living their Catholic faith. Here is a wonderful article from Pope Francis on this subject.
Sixth Grade Religious Education is offered in two settings: