On Thursday January 25th Msgr Shugrue, Pastor Emeritus of Saint Michael Parish, was awarded Martin Luther King Award presented by the Cranford Clergy Council.
To receive the award the recipient must have made a significant contribution to the cause of improving the community in such areas as civil and human rights, social justice, social action and/or demonstrated concern for the welfare of others.
Msgr. Shugrue's commitment to and support for the Salt and Light Ministry at Saint Michael Parish that offers short term, hands-on volunteer outreach opportunities to aid the vulnerable, at risk, hungry and homeless in our great community, offering Saint Michael's as a pre pandemic host for Family Promise's temporary shelter program, visiting his guests and providing them with comfort and prayer as well as supporting Raphael’s Lighthouse which provides temporary housing and support for expectant women. All of these were just some of the ways Monsignor demonstrated his worthiness to receive this award.
Pictured in the photo are Rabbi Paul Kerbel, president of the Cranford Clergy Council, Cindy Hannon – Saint Michael Parish Representative to the Cranford Interfaith Committee, Fr. Marc A. Vicari – Pastor of Saint Michael Parish, Msgr Shugrue, and Fr. Sebastian Valencia Obando – Parochial Vicar of Saint Michael Parish.